
Contour shuttle express manual
Contour shuttle express manual

contour shuttle express manual

It will place a file named ShuttlePro.dll in the \Mach3\PlugIns folder. Just need to decide how much desk space it's worth and/or how many buttons I might need.


Configure the key functionality in the ShuttleXpress configuration software Select the desired User action (in this case, Button 1). So far I haven't done any extensive editing but did open up a recent project and play around. Contour ShuttleXpress Control Panel: Frequently-viewed manuals.

contour shuttle express manual

Then rotate the control knob on your ShuttleXpress clockwise and counterclockwise, and see if the cursor moves up and down with the lines you typed. Select the Computer response (in this case, Type Keystroke). That will tell us if your Shuttle is working at all, and just not with Power Director. Report back with that information, and well take the next steps. Click on the Comment field write Right Arrow - 6 t/s. Select 6 Times per Second in the Frequency Menu. Step 2: programming Button 13 (Bottom Right Button) Select the Button 13 (Bottom Right Button) in the User Action Menu. Click on the Target Application Menu and select Global Settings. If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end-user. Step 1 Open the Contour Shuttle Control Panel. Click inside the Keystroke text box and press the key combination corresponding to the desired action (in this case Ctrl Alt Down Arrow for Play/Pause). Use Equal Loudness Contour Check this box to have Adobe Audition use an equal. Where I see this being a potential time-saver is using the Jog and Shuttle for messing about in the timeline for splits. Contour express jog shuttle device to control the timeline actions in video. In my projects so far I've spent quite a bit of time expanding and contracting the timeline to find exactly the right place to make splits to cut things out. Basically the shortcuts are found at the back of the manaul/user guide. In playing around last night I found I could leave the timeline at pretty much any zoom setting, use the scrub wheel to rapidly find any section and then the jog wheel to fine-tune the displayed frame. I may be wrong but think that if one of the five buttons is programmed for splitting that should allow performing about three-quarters or more of my timeline-based editing with one hand.

Contour shuttle express manual